Press and TV operators credits

The Fondazione Oristano Press and Communication Office manages and processes the requests for credits of journalists, photographers and TV operators. Such credits allow them to access all reserved areas located along the Sartiglia events routes.

Credits are limitedly granted. All requests for credits for the Press for journalists, photographers and TV operators must be sent by using the online form available only between the 20h January and the 31th January 2020.

Within three months from the end of the event, all accredited Press, photographers and TV operators will have to transmit a selection of the material produced (e.g. articles, photos, shootings and radio recordings) to the Fondazione, which will use it to create its own files archive. The Fondazione will not publicly use that material unless explicitly and officially authorized by the owners and will always indicate the authors.

The accrediting is bound to the transmission of the material from the previous editions of the event (except for those who are requesting for credits for the first time). 

For each edition of Sartiglia, upon examination of the accrediting requests, priority will be given to those who will have sent the material within the terms previously expressed. 

Office Supervisor
Sandro Pisu [email protected]


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